Crooked Nose Rhinoplasty: A Comprehensive Guide

Facial harmony is a delicate balance that significantly contributes to an individual's overall aesthetic appeal and self-confidence.


Facial harmony is a delicate balance that significantly contributes to an individual’s overall aesthetic appeal and self-confidence. The human face, often considered a canvas of unique features, among which, the nose stands out as a key player, capable of either enhancing or throwing off the balance. When the nose is crooked due to asymmetry or deviation, it creates a noticeable visual imbalance, diverting attention from other facial aspects.

A crooked nose can often impact a person’s confidence, making individuals feel self-conscious or fixated on their appearance.

A crooked nose rhinoplasty can help in addressing this issue and helping individuals to feel more confident in their appearance. Whether you’re dealing with a crooked nose or seeking insights for someone you know, this article breaks down everything you need to understand.

What is a crooked nose?

A crooked nose, also known as a deviated nose or nasal deviation, refers to a condition where the nasal structure is visibly off-centre or skewed, causing an asymmetrical appearance. This deviation can occur in various ways, affecting both the external and internal components of the nose.

The external nasal deviation is often noticeable in the visible alignment of the nose when looking at the face. The nose may appear to lean to one or opposite side, creating an imbalance in facial symmetry. This deviation can result from a variety of factors, including genetics, trauma, developmental issues, or the natural ageing process.

Internal nasal deviation involves a misalignment of the nasal septum, the thin wall of cartilage and bone that separates the nasal passages. When the septum is off-centre or deviated, it can obstruct one side of the nasal passage, leading to breathing difficulties and potentially other breathing issues contributing to external asymmetry.

In an ideal scenario, the left and right of deviated nasal septum, passages should mirror each other in size. Surprisingly, around 80 per cent of individuals are believed to possess a nasal septum that veers off-centre. Termed a deviated septum, this condition varies widely in its impact, with some individuals experiencing noticeable symptoms while others remain unaffected.

Causes of a crooked nose

A crooked nose can stem from a variety of factors, making it crucial to understand the different causes behind this common issue. Understanding these causes is crucial for anyone considering corrective measures like rhinoplasty. Let’s have a look at the common reasons behind a crooked nose.


Genetics wield a considerable influence over the nose’s form and structure, with inherited traits from our parents potentially resulting in various nasal characteristics, including asymmetry. If your family tree showcases distinctive nasal features, chances are you might inherit a crooked nose. Understanding this genetic predisposition becomes pivotal when contemplating corrective measures such as rhinoplasty.


Accidents or injuries, whether recent or historical, can be catalysts for a crooked nasal appearance. Given the nose’s prominence on the face, it’s particularly susceptible to trauma. Even seemingly minor incidents can cause subtle yet impactful structural shifts, leading to noticeable asymmetry.

Nasal septum deviation

The nasal septum, a delicate partition of cartilage and bone dividing the nasal cavity into two nostrils, serves as an often-overlooked contributor to a crooked nose. Deviation of the septum, whether due to injury or congenital factors, can result in an externally visible asymmetry. This internal issue underscores the need for a thorough examination to identify and address septal deviations during corrective procedures.

Developmental issues

In the formative years, imbalances in facial bone and cartilage growth can actively contribute to the development of a crooked nose. Factors like uneven growth rates or abnormalities in bone structure may become more evident as an individual matures, eventually manifesting as noticeable asymmetry.


As the years pass, natural processes of bone and cartilage degeneration come into play, exerting an influence on the nose’s shape. These age-related changes may gradually contribute to a crooked appearance of the nasal tip, potentially accentuating existing asymmetry. Acknowledging the role of ageing in nasal changes is crucial for understanding the long-term evolution of facial features and considering appropriate corrective measures.

Understanding the causes of a crooked nose lays the groundwork for informed decisions regarding corrective procedures. Whether addressing genetic predispositions, past injuries, or internal structural issues, a personalised approach, as offered by experts like Mr. Golchin for rhinoplasty in London, ensures a comprehensive solution tailored to each individual’s unique circumstances.

The toll of a crooked nose on self-image

Dealing with a crooked nose extends beyond physical appearance and often impacts a patient’s self-esteem and confidence. The psychological impact of having a crooked nose surgery, one that veers off-centre, can be profound, influencing how individuals perceive themselves.

Self-esteem struggles

A crooked nose often becomes a focal point for self-consciousness. Individuals grappling with this condition may find themselves fixating on their appearance, leading to a sense of dissatisfaction and lower self-esteem. The perceived deviation from societal beauty standards can contribute to a negative self-image.

Social interactions

Self-consciousness as a result of lower confidence might hinder their ability to engage confidently in social situations.

Confidence challenges

A crooked nose can pose challenges to self-confidence. This lack of confidence can seep into various aspects of life, from professional settings to personal relationships, limiting one’s willingness to be seen and heard.

Seeking empowerment through correction

Addressing the psychological impact often involves seeking corrective measures, such as rhinoplasty. For many individuals, undergoing a procedure to straighten a crooked nose goes beyond cosmetic enhancement; it becomes a journey toward reclaiming self-esteem and confidence. The transformative effect of rhinoplasty can extend beyond the physical changes, offering a renewed sense of self-worth and empowerment.

In a nutshell, the psychological impact of a crooked nose is not only a cosmetic concern but a multifaceted challenge that goes beyond the surface. It intertwines with how individuals perceive themselves and cultivate confidence. Recognising the emotional toll is crucial, and for many, taking steps toward corrective procedures becomes a pathway to not only physical alignment but also a positive transformation of self-perception and well-being.

Step-by-step guide

A crooked nose can be a source of self-consciousness and functional issues, prompting many individuals to seek corrective measures. Rhinoplasty, a surgical procedure aimed at reshaping the nose, becomes a viable solution for those looking to address the asymmetry of a twisted nose and restore both aesthetic balance and functionality.

Here’s a straightforward guide to the steps involved in crooked nose rhinoplasty.

Initial consultation

The journey to a straighter nose begins with a comprehensive consultation with a skilled rhinoplasty surgeon, such as Mr. Golchin. During this initial meeting, the surgeon evaluates the unique characteristics of the crooked nose, discusses the patient’s goals, and assesses overall health to determine candidacy for the procedure. This is a crucial phase where clear communication between the patient and surgeon is established to ensure realistic expectations and a personalised treatment plan.

Digital imaging and simulation

Before deciding on rhinoplasty with Mr. Golchin, patients get a modern way to make choices: 3D photos of their entire face. This advanced method gives a thorough look, letting people actually see what their nose surgery results might look like. Mr. Golchin uses 3D tech to go beyond the usual talks, giving patients a real sneak peek of their changed look. This not only helps them understand what to expect but also lets them decide with confidence. With a clearer picture of the final result, patients can go into rhinoplasty, feeling sure that their ideas match Mr. Golchin’s skill.

Preoperative preparation

Once the treatment plan is finalised, the patient receives detailed preoperative instructions. These may include lifestyle adjustments, cessation of certain medications, and preparations for the recovery period. Mr. Golchin emphasises the importance of patient education during this phase, ensuring that individuals are well informed and prepared for a smooth surgical experience.

Anaesthesia and incision

On the day of the surgery, the patient is administered anaesthesia to ensure a pain-free experience. The surgeon then makes incisions, often inside the nostrils (closed rhinoplasty) or, in some cases, with a small external incision (open rhinoplasty). The choice between these approaches depends on the complexity of the procedure and the surgeon’s preference for surgical options.

Nasal structure adjustment

The surgeon proceeds to make precise adjustments to the nasal structure. For a crooked nose, this may involve straightening the septum, reshaping the cartilage, or modifying the nasal bones. Mr. Golchin’s meticulous methods come into play during this phase, ensuring that each alteration is made with precision to achieve the desired symmetry.

Grafting if necessary

In some cases, grafts may be utilised to augment or reinforce the nasal structure. Cartilage grafts, often sourced from the patient’s own nasal septum or ear, can be employed to address specific asymmetries in nasal fractures and provide additional support.

Closing incisions

After the necessary adjustments are made, the incisions are meticulously closed. The surgeon employs sutures and, if applicable, may use external splints or internal packing to support the newly sculpted nasal structure.

Recovery and aftercare

Postoperative care is a critical aspect of the rhinoplasty journey. Patients receive detailed instructions on caring for their noses during the initial days and weeks following surgery. Mr. Golchin emphasises the importance of follow-up appointments to monitor progress, address any concerns, and ensure a smooth recovery.

Enjoying the results

As the healing process unfolds, patients gradually witness the transformation of their crooked noses into a more balanced and symmetrical feature. The ultimate goal of fixing a crooked nose with rhinoplasty is not just to correct a perceived flaw but to instil newfound confidence and satisfaction in one’s appearance.

The challenges in fixing a crooked nose

Addressing a crooked nose through cosmetic surgery poses distinct challenges that stem from the complexity of facial asymmetry. Correcting this form of nasal irregularity isn’t a guaranteed straight shot, and understanding the hurdles is crucial for prospective patients.

The complexity of individual features

Correcting a crooked nose becomes intricate due to the presence of other facial asymmetries in most patients. Achieving a perfectly straight nose can be elusive, as the surgery may enhance straightness but might not achieve absolute perfection. The reality is that individuals are unique, and their facial features contribute to the overall complexity. Hence, choosing a board-certified surgeon with specific expertise in addressing crooked noses is vital for managing expectations and optimising outcomes.

Cartilage “memory”

Cartilage, a key component in nasal structure, exhibits a form of “memory” that influences the straightness of the nose during the healing process. Despite achieving immediate straightness post-surgery, the cartilage might attempt to revert to its original curved state. This aspect is particularly challenging when trauma or previous surgeries have contributed to the deviation, with scars complicating the straightening process. Surgeons, through various techniques, aim to minimise the risk of re-deviation, and the surgeon’s experience plays a pivotal role in mitigating postoperative challenges.

While correcting a crooked or broken nose is indeed a challenging endeavour, selecting a skilled and experienced surgeon is pivotal in maximising the chances of a successful outcome. Realistic expectations, coupled with the surgeon’s expertise, contribute to the overall satisfaction and functionality achieved through the corrective procedure.

Choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon like Mr. Golchin for rhinoplasty in London ensures that each step of the crooked nose rhinoplasty journey is approached with precision, expertise, and a commitment to achieving exceptional results.

Final words

Fixing a crooked nose is a process that needs a clear understanding of the details, realistic expectations, and recognition of its impact on how you feel about yourself. With Mr. Golchin’s know-how regarding rhinoplasty in London, you’re in good hands on the road to facial balance. If you’re on the lookout for trustworthy nose surgery in London, start building confidence today and schedule your consultation with Mr. Golchin.

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I contemplated rhinoplasty for a number of years and after extensive research I finally decided to go ahead with it in August 2017. To say it was a decision not taken lightly would be an understatement. I wanted the best results and the best surgeon and I can honestly say I got both. Mr Kambiz Golchin is a true professional and perfectionist and it is clear he takes great pride in his work. Mr Golchin established exactly what I wanted and delivered, surpassing my expectations. Bex


I had decided many months ago to get rhinoplasty and had since visited a number of the top surgeons in London, after being dissatisfied a friend referred Mr Golchin. From start to finish, including my pre operative care to my end result I could not be happier and would highly recommend Mr Golchin as a wonderful surgeon who has changed my life and I could not be happier with my new nose. – cmbrowne

C Browne


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